CREATE A LIFE U WANT (NLP) Programme 2018
Enhancing Personal Effectiveness and Take Control of Own Destiny
Printout NAME(S) (block letters please)
(* print ALL names above)
Payment by (tick as appropriate)
□ Cheque – mail cheque payable to ‘Different Drums Co Ltd’, address : Flat 03B,
28/F, 148, Electric Road, HONG KONG. We shall acknowledge receipt by email.
□ Banking-in – bank in amount to HSBC#450-551486-001 and email bank in slip to
We shall acknowledge payment by return email and offical receipt.
Please let us also how you get to know this programme
Referred by ___________________________(where applicable)
Enquiries : email, or tel : 852 3162 3480/9834 2112
(operated by Different Drums Co Ltd)